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Clinical Research Insights 

Clinical research is a very unknown industry to many. We are here to help and give you the most important insights to understand clinical research. 

About Clinical Trials


Clinical trials are the backbone of modern medicine! Without them, there are no further advancements in medicine.


Clinical trials are a crucial step in testing the safety and effectiveness of new treatments, diagnostic methods, devices or surgical procedures for a wide range of health conditions, but also to improve existing treatments already on the market. 

Did you know?


Thanks to clinical research, illnesses like polio or measles have almost been completely



Age-related death rates for coronary heart disease in the US were also cut in half from 1980 to 2000


There are currently 366,177 clinical trials listed on for all 50 states of the United States.

What to expect from a clinical trial? 


When deciding to join a clinical trial, there are usually a range of benefits, but also risks. Generally, you should consider time commitment of a clinical trial, reimbursements for your travel and time, and understand the risks. 


Mythbusting - the clinical ‘guinea pig’ 


People often express their fear of being a guinea pig when signing up for a clinical trial - we can assure you, you are not! In fact, your participating helps you and millions of other people living with chronic conditions.  You have a team of professional doctors by your side that will watch your process every step of the way. Only in very rare cases volunteers may experience side effects that require medical attention. 

Want to find your perfect clinical trial match?

Interested in joining a research study near you? Sign up to see if you qualify.

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