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Who conducts clinical trials?

Clinical trials come in many shapes and sizes, and the locations of clinical trials vary. There are specific clinical trial centers that conduct clinical trials, but hospitals, community clinics, and doctors’ offices can also be part of a clinical trial. Your primary care physician may even take part in research! This approach provides more options to clinical trial volunteers, as they don’t have to drive a long distance to the next clinical trial site, but may be able to stay local and even see their own doctor (as long as they take part in the research as well). During a clinical trial, there will be a dedicated clinical trial team that takes care of both you and your health. Every clinical trial is led by a PI, a Principal Investigator, who is often a medical doctor. Depending on the study that is actually being conducted, other team members can include nurses, doctors, research scientists, social workers, and other healthcare professionals. Clinical trials are often sponsored or funded by pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies, medical device companies, the NIH (National Institute for Health), and other government agencies, academic medical centers, voluntary groups, and networks of doctors.

Do you want to learn more about clinical trials? Sign up and see if there are clinical trials near you.


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