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Be part of the next

medical breakthrough for Eczema Research!

Be part of the next

medical breakthrough for Eczema Research!

beCitrus works at the forefront of clinical research. You can help medical researchers find more effective treatments for Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis by participating in a clinical trial near you. beCitrus works with internationally-recognized research organizations to find better treatments and search for cures. 


Clinical Research for Eczema

Thank you for your interest in participating in a research study for Eczema near you. Did you know that eczema affects approximately 35 million people, including yourself, in the United States?

This only shows the urgency for discovering new treatment methods and diagnostics to increase the quality of life and drive medical innovation further. There are currently 130 active and/or recruiting research studies in major cities around the United States, waiting for new volunteers to drive the next medical breakthrough.

Does that sound interesting for you? Fill out our survey and see if you qualify for a trial. Please note that taking the survey will not automatically enroll you in a clinical trial and you always have the option to leave the process if you wish to. 

Why should I participate in a clinical trial?

About clinical trials

Clinical trials are the backbone of modern medicine!

Without them, there are no further advancements in

medicine. Clinical trials are a crucial step in testing 

the safety and effectiveness of new treatments,

diagogstic methods, devices or surgical procedures

for a wide range of health conditions. And, they can

also research methods for improving the quality of

life for people who live with chronic illnesses. 


What should I expect?

When deciding to join a clinical trial, there are usually a range of benefits, but also risks. Generally, you should consider time commitment of a clinical trials (how many visits are required?), reimbursements for 

your travel and time (cash/vouchers), and understand

the risks. Please keep in mind that you're not a "guinea

pig" and only in very rare cases volunteers may 

experience side effects that require medical attention. 

Don't forget: you will also help others through

participating and help yourself as you're getting access

to the latest treatments methods before others. 


Why are clinical trials important?

Without clinical trials, there won't be better treatment

options, no better ways to diagnose illnesses, or even

better ways to prevent illnesses altogether! Clinical 

trials help researchers to understand if new drugs,

treatments, devices or diagnostic methods work in 

the way they should and are safe. When you decide 

to participate in a clinical trial, there will be a whole 

care team who cares about your health and 

wellbeing. And unlike popular belief, you won't be

treated as a "guinea pig".


Interested in joining a clinical trial in your area? Find out if you qualify for one of the studies we are working with.

Make a difference for you and millions of other


Volunteering in a clinical trial is a big

decision. While being part of research

study, you will receive regular and careful

medical attention from a research team,

you may benefit from the latest treatment

methods long before it's available to the

public and you may be helping millions of

other patients. Why? Because clinical trials

are the only way to bring often live-saving 

treatments to market! Be a hero!

Participate in clinical trials in your area!

Don't take it from us, see what patients are saying


Hillary P.

Clinical trials patient, 2018

When my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's I felt like the whole world was collapsing.

My sister and I were splitting caregiver duties for her, but it was still a lot of physical and mental stress. I heard about a clinical study that was researching caregiver burden and increasing the quality of life of family caregivers.

Participating in that study was a blessing. I learned so much about selfceare and I am still benefitting from the study even one year after completion.


Sean B.

Clinical trials patient, 2019

As many men my age, I was struggling with decreasing testosterone levels and everything that entails this condition: mood changes, hair loss, weight gain. I felt tired all day, and tried many conventional things and therapies but nothing worked. I decided to participate in a clinical trial, mostly because I was desperate. I was able to try new cutting-edge  treatments. What can I say? I got my live back and finally feel myself again.


Conny W.

Clinical trials patient, 2019

As many men my age, I was struggling with decreasing testosterone levels and everything that entails this condition: mood changes, hair loss, weight gain. I felt tired all day, and tried many conventional things and therapies but nothing worked. I decided to participate in a clinical trial, mostly because I was desperate. I was able to try new cutting-edge  treatments. What can I say? I got my live back and finally feel myself again.

Interested in joining a clinical trial in your area?

Find out if your qualify.

  • What is a clinical trial?
    A clinical trial helps researchers to understand if a new drug, a new combination of drugs, surgical procedure, medical device, diagnostic method, prevention method or other treatment is effective for a specific health condition, and is safe to use.
  • Why are clinical trials important?
    Clinical trials are so important because they’re the only way to see if new drugs, new combinations of drugs, new treatment methods, medical innovations, diagnostic methods or medical devices actually work for a specific health condition and are safe to use. Without clinical trials, there are no advancements in medicine. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) regulates clinical trials and demands that clinical trials must be conducted before a new drug, medical device diagnostic methods or other treatments can be marketed in the United States.
  • What does it mean to volunteer in a clinical trial?
    If you wish to volunteer in a clinical trial, you agree to participate and test new drugs, new treatment methods, new diagnostic methods or new medical devices, for example. Important: nobody can force you to participate in a clinical trial and you can drop out at any time, even when you’re already enrolled in a clinical trial. You should consider the following questions when thinking about joining a clinical trial: Will the research help me? What are the risks involved? What do I need to do? E.g. how many doctor visits are involved? Do I have to change something in my lifestyle? Will I be compensated?
  • What is expected of me when I participate in a clinical trial?
    This is a tough question to answer in a general way, because expectations differ from study to study. Some clinical trials expect that you take some supplements and visit the research site closest to you every month. Others expect that you go to the gym 3-4 times per week, others expect that you change your diet. Generally, you should ask the clinical trial team what the time commitment is for the clinical trial you’re interested in, and what is expected from you.
  • Where do I find clinical trials?
    You can find clinical trials directly via, but you can also sign up with Citruslabs and we automatically match you with a clinical trial in your area that fits your needs.
  • What are the different steps involved to participate in a clinical trial? What are the different types of clinical trials?
    When you expressed interest in joining a clinical trial via Citruslabs, our algorithm checks if you qualify for any of the clinical trials we are working with and matches you with the closest research site (usually up to 25 miles away from you - in highly populated areas usually up to 10 miles). The research team from the research site will then give you a call to tell you more about the clinical trial and also ask you some additional questions. If everything works for you, they will invite you to an on-site screening visit at their location. Often these visits include blood pressure measurement, heart rate measurement, urine analysis, and maybe some blood work. All this is free of charge for you. Once you passed the screening, the site will invite you to join the clinical trial and needs you to sign an informed consent form to do this. The informed consent form gives you all the information about the purpose of the clinical trial, benefits and potential risks, and helps you to better understand what to expect when you participate in this specific trial.
  • What are the benefits of participating in a clinical trial? What are the risks of participating in a clinical trial?
    Benefits and risks differ from trial to trial and you should always talk to the research team before you decide to participate in a clinical trial to fully understand specific benefits and risks. Generally, clinical trials may give you access to the best possible treatment for your specific health condition that would otherwise not be available to you. You will also receive attention from a care team consisting of nurses, doctors, and other medical staff, that you would otherwise not get. And, you will help not only research to improve or even find new treatments but as a result, you will also help millions of other people who may be benefitting from these (often live-saving) new treatments in the future as well. General risks always include possible side effects - that sometimes even need medical attention. If you are part of a randomized trial, this could also mean that there is a placebo (inactive treatment) involved and you could actually get the placebo instead of the real treatment. Or, the trial simply expects too much time commitment from your side.
  • What is a protocol?
    A protocol is a central information source and describes the rules of the clinical trial. First, it states why a specific question is researched and how the research team will answer the question; second, it includes information on the specific procedures, which medications will be used (if any), which data analysis methods will be used, possible benefits and risks and possible adverse events, and third, it also tells you who can and cannot participate. A protocol also tells you how the research team will protect the health and wellbeing of the participants.
  • What is a placebo?
    Usually, only blinded trials use a placebo, which is an inactive drug or treatment, sometimes also referred to as a “sugar pill”. If you take the placebo, you are in the control group and the goal behind that is to see how the researched drug or treatment compares to the placebo.
  • What is informed consent?
    If you’re thinking of taking part in a clinical trial, you will likely come across an informed consent form. The informed consent form gives you all the information about the purpose of the clinical trial, benefits and potential risks, which procedures are involved in the trial, your rights and that taking part in research is absolutely your choice. It will help you to better understand what to expect when you participate in this specific trial.
  • What happens during a phone and on-site screening?
    When you express interest in participating in a clinical trial, you have to undergo a screening process in order to determine if you actually qualify to participate in the trial. There is a protocol that sets the rules around who can and who cannot participate. First, you will undergo a pre-screening that usually happens via phone. Here, the trial staff will ask you specific questions about your demographic information and medical history. They will also provide you with more information on the trial. If the clinical trial staff determined that you meet the criteria that are set by the protocol, you will be invited for an on-site screening visit. At the on-site screening visit, you will go to the clinical trial location (usually in your area). The clinical trial staff will again give you more information on the trial and a qualified doctor will usually perform a physical examination as well and review your medical history.
  • How long does a clinical trial last?
    How long a clinical trial lasts depends on the protocol. It usually lasts from six months to 24 months, but can also last shorter or longer. We encourage you to ask this question to the research staff.
  • Do I get paid to participate in a clinical trial?
    Usually, participants in a clinical trial get reimbursed for their travel expenses and time.
  • Do I have to pay something to participate in a clinical trial?
    In some cases, taking part in a clinical trial will not cost you or your insurance company anything. Especially for people in the US, this is good news! However, other studies may bill your insurance company for drugs, the services they provide or the devices that they may hand out to you. There is the possibility that your insurance company may not pay for some or all of the charges and you may receive a bill by the researchers for this. Due to this, it is very important that you look carefully at the informed consent form which will describe any costs to you in great detail. If the information is not clear to you, you should definitely ask a research team to explain the costs to you before you agree to participate in the trial and sign the consent form.
  • How is the safety of a clinical trial participant protected?
    There are several levels of safeguards in place to protect participants in clinical trials. Nevertheless, there are still risks involved in taking part in a clinical trial, which should be disclosed to you during the informed consent process. There are three basic principles as the basis for research that involved humans: 1. Respect for persons: all people should be respected and have the right to choose what treatments they receive. 2. Beneficence: people should be protected from harm by maximizing benefits and minimizing risks. 3. Justice: it must be ensured that all people share the benefits and burden of research equally. There is also an institutional review board (IRB) in place for every clinical trial, which is protecting the welfare of the people who participate in a clinical trial and make sure that those trials also comply with federal laws. Every protocol (which is the backbone of a clinical trial) must be approved by an IRB.
  • Can I still see my primary care provider?
    Clinical trials should be seen as short-term care. Hence, you will in most cases continue to see your primary care provider (pcp), also during your participation in a clinical trial. Your pcp may have even referred you to a clinical trial.
  • Can I change my mind when I participate in a clinical trial and drop out?
    Participating in a clinical trial is 100% your own choice and you should not be forced to participate in a clinical trial. You can also drop out during a clinical trial at any time and should not be forced to continue with the trial if you don’t want to.

About Clinical Trials - Frequently Asked Questions

Made up your mind already? Then complete our quick survey to see if you qualify for any of the clinical trials we support.

What to learn more about clinical trials participation?

The decision to join a clinical trial is a big one, which should not be rushed. To make the decision easier for you, we compiled a couple of resources for you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us here.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-07 um

5 reasons to participate

in a clinical trial

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-07 um

Everything you need to

know about clinical trials

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-07 um

Why should I participate 

in a clinical trial?

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-07 um

What is a clinical trial & why should I join?

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-07 um

What are the different 

phases of clinical trials?

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-07 um

Why are clinical trials


Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-07 um

Who conducts clinical


Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-07 um

Why do people participate

in a clinical trials?

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What are the benefits &

risk of participating?

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Benefits of clinical trial participation

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What am I getting into if I

participate in a trial?

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-07 um

What to expect when 

joining a clinical trial

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